Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Facebook

Oh how i adore the book of faces
Faces that smile, faces that cry
And the faces that tell a story, a lie.

Gone are my precious tears, my chills, oh the thrills
Gone is my desire to burn , that fire within
Seldom do i hear the music of the day , so intimate
Even the night ceased its shows , so intricate

My window is now blue , full of friends
But i have lost my world, it met its end
I now stare into nothingness , from outside within

Maybe the book says go live and come back
Go find your story, the truth , the purpose
Be frightened , be sad , be loved and hated
you'll find it all for which you waited
The adventures, the chills, oh yes the thrills
Then rest in my embrace , tired and carefree
Oh how i adore the book of face, my lovely.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Geek code

Ya well , you'll say whats new here. Sometimes its just necessary to revisit some issues that trouble this earth and probably the very fabric of this universe.

Recently, i saw the trailer of some movie where a geek was trying to woo a hot babe(Priyanka is as awesome as ever). And the whole thing as pathetic as it may seem , represented a harsh reality. So i decided to ponder over the possible reasons of such horrible treatment of the geek community.

Lets rewind back a few decades or a century if you will and we will find our quintessential geek , none other than our very own Einstein. The noble prize might have made him popular amongst the girls , but imagine what his pick up lines would be.

Darling , when i see you my heart starts beating at the speed of light and the time appears to have dilated. Anyways the noble probably got him laid , so no worries there. I saw "A Beautiful Mind" and in it, someone as hot as Jennifer Connelly falls for a math professor. Even John Nash would have classified the event as highly unlikely. He probably cast a spell on her through some sexy equation with a lot of curvy beta's in it. I wanted to be a professor soon after.

I take pride in calling myself a geek and boast about my knowledge in physics, and hmm .. mostly movies. Recently a girl complemented me on my new shirt ,which might as well could have been a part of an elaborate joke. But i took the complement rather seriously. I knew i had to say "Thank You" and complement her back and also crack a joke or two. So the first thing i did was look for something she was wearing that appeared remotely new. I managed to look at some places guys are not supposed to look and i probably freaked her out. By the time , i recovered and managed to come with a few lines in my head , the conversation had already drifted forward to her new yellow nail polish , the posh party she attended last night and what protection her boyfriend uses(kidding!).

I guess all this teaches us a lesson. Even if a geek gets laid , there is a very high probability that he will produce more geeks. So lets not waste time in the pursuits they wont do any good for the universe. Henceforth , we shall be found glued to the stools in our labs experimenting on mice which will be a lot more fruitful. Geeks are anyways responsible for producing atomic bombs and greenhouse gases.

P.S. : Beware of the geek around you , he will eventually come and get you. Remember hollow man if you don't believe me.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Brutal murder of innocence

Nothing can be more nightmarish than growing up. My mother used to have the same answer for every query of mine “You’ll know when you grow up". Yes mother, I have grown up to be more confused, lost, delusional and dreamy. When we are young, the whole world is a treasure island. There are so many things that are unknown and have that mystical quality about them. My pursuits have led me to believe that for every ounce of worthy knowledge I mined out, tons of filth was also unearthed.

Ambitions, Politics, relationships have taken up so much space in our metaphysical realm as adults, that the free spirit of a child has suffocated and died a horrible death. I intentionally refused to grow up until I was forced to: Forced to accept the norms, to let go of my dreams, to compromise with my conscience. I was trained to look away when the world suffered, I was taught to have a prejudice and be judgmental about everything. I thought that education was supposed to create a level field where great minds could play and innovate. Education merely served as a raised platform from where I could look down upon people and laugh.

In a world ran by hypocrites there is no room for insecurities, goodwill and hard work. There is nothing a man cannot achieve once he loses his dignity. In all his greed man has forgotten what can really make him happy. Does the morning breeze you feel in the face make you happy, what about the sunshine on a winter afternoon? Sorry people it won’t matter to you now because you murdered your innocence to move ahead in a rat race.

The child in you is the life that is left in you. Don't let it die. It’s as important to be vulnerable as it is to be strong. Savor all those precious little moments when you are truly happy within yourself. Cast religion, boundaries, possessions, racism never mattered to me as a kid. I wish nobody ever grew up and we could just play all the time. But I wonder who will "potty train" so many kids?